(originally posted June 2014, and re-sharing for mommas with littles)
My family and I have had a great summer. We’ve been to the beach, stayed up late laughing and being silly, caught up with friends, and enjoyed extra time together that I try to cherish because I know one day, we’ll be going in different directions.
With the extra time together, however, comes the reminder of how extra-comfortable we get around the people we’re with the most.
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Years ago, I was at the beach with my family when I noticed a group of ladies nearby who appeared to be in their fifties.
With a quick glance, I knew they were on a girls’ weekend. All the signs were there – coolers & cocktails, beach bags with romance novels, straw hats, umbrellas in the sand – but most telling of all was their laughter. Lots of lots of laughter, the kind that draws attention and curiosity from anyone in earshot.
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Recently I spoke with a girl who shared with me a time when she’d been left out by friends.
It happened at school and started with a club her friends created. The club had its own rules, and when she overheard some girls in her class talking about it, she asked if she could join.
“Sure,” they replied, and with that she was a member.
Later that day, however, she overhead the mastermind behind the club –
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